Sunday, January 10, 2010

Happy birthday Gage

Well Gage is another year older. I'm feeling a little emotional about Gage becoming a 4 year old little man. Over the past year Gage has turn into a very sweet little man. I must admit, I am going to miss my 3 year old a lot. As I look back to the last year with my special little boy I can see him grow into a great "big kid."
He has found his passion for super heros and shares that passion with his best little friend Owen. It is hilarious to watch those 2 boys talk and act out what they believe super heros do. This includes a lot of flying, jumping, running, and speaking in a foreign language. He was Captain America for Halloween this year, but wore the costume for the greater part of October and actually just had the costume on this week pretending to be him and scaring his sister. He loves to get all of his super hero action figures together and pretend like they are going to jail. It is fun to see how his imagination has grown through this past year and I only hope that it continues to grow and grow.
He also has become able to navigate our computer like a pro. He is often asking to spend time on "nickjr" or "disney." If we would let him he would spend hours on the computer navigating through the different games and watching videos all on his own (with supervision of coarse)
Gage started KoMet Kids preschool this year and it was a great thing for him. It helped him come out of his shell greatly. He started out his year as a slightly reserved little boy who was unsure about trying new things and I think school has help him to be more assertive while still being polite. He LOVES school. He goes 2 times a week and occasionally rides the bus when I'm working. He really enjoys riding the bus and talks about his bus driver Jeremy all of the time. He takes his job of getting on the bus very seriously and doesn't mess around when it comes to bus safety :) Gage absolutely loves his teachers Mrs. Sara and Mrs. Tina. He has a special place in his heart for Mrs. Tina though. He is always so proud to bring his projects home from school and show me what he has done. School has helped him learn how to write his name and gotten him really into coloring and doing little art projects. He didn't really have much patience for any of these before he started school so I am happy for that. Gage also talks a lot about his best little friend at school "Kevin" The funny thing about Kevin is that there isn't a Kevin in his class so I am wondering who Kevin actually is :)
Gage and Dylann are really starting to love to play with each other. He loves to just run around with her. They usually run around and one of them is growling like a monster and the other is screaming in "fear" I absolutely love to sit and watch and listen to them when they are playing together. It is the highlight of my day. Though they do have there fights and usually when they fight someone (Gage) ends up with a bruise because someone else (Dylann) bits him. And some days it just seems like they love to hate each other.
Gage is also very into doing things right. He is so into this that he wants to be a cop when he grows up. We like to call him our little hall monitor. He is always making sure that people are doing things the right way. He will let us know when we say a naughty word or when Dylann is up to no good.
The highlight of Gage's last year was our family trip to the lake where Gage got to fish for 7 days straight. He loved it and still talks about it frequently. He was always out with someone fishing and going of adventures and every night he had to stay up late to get the campfire started. It was his duty to do this no matter how tired he was. He also learned how to ride his bike and made a bike trip riding his bike a mile from our house to down town Kasson and back. He is so proud of that and actually said to me last week when we were driving downtown "do you remember when I rode my bike down town mom? That was fun!" It was a very long ride and Dylann cried the entire time, but it was so worth it to see how proud he was when he actually did it.
As I look back on this year I have decided that I love the 3 year old mind and imagination. I am going to miss having a 3 year old around. They make up their own words and rules and everything they touch turns into fun. I am looking very forward to what kinds of adventures my 4 year old will bring me on. I also look forward to having another 3 year old in the house in a few years when Dylann turns 3.

Here is a picture I took of Gage a few mornings ago when I was on my way to work. Gage had gotten up in the middle of the night and got his birthday crown that he got at preschool. He then fell asleep with it on and this his how I found him. It made my heart melt.

Gage was celebrating with his batman blower.
My little man opening his presents.
Gage and Jaxon checking out the Go-Kart that his Dad and grandparents on the Sanden side got him. Being a nurse all I see with this toy is DANGER. But Aaron sees a lot of fun. I think it might be a little bit of Aaron reliving his childhood and we will be setting the governer for 1 mile per hour and he will be fully padded with helmet, elbow and knee pads, and bubble wrap.

The hulk showed up for Gage's birthday.

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