Monday, December 7, 2009

Happy holidays

As 2009 wraps up I have thought that it would be a nice thing to start a blog so our family and friends near and far can keep up with the things that are going on in our life. It seems hard sometimes for me to even keep up with everything that is happening. So here it goes.

Gage will be turning 4 soon and I can hardly believe how fast the time has gone. He started preschool this year and absolutely loves it. He comes home with many art projects every Tuesday and Thursday. He has learned how to write and spell his name and is practicing writing the names of things all of the time. He has a tendency to write letters and even entire words backwards, but I can still tell what he is trying to write (I might be the only one though). Gage has turned into a very well behaved little boy. He is always trying to be a "good boy." We call him our little hall monitor because he is always keeping order. It seems fitting that he wants to be a cop when he grows up. He is big into super heros right now and his favorites are Captain America, Wolverine, and Iron Man. He shares this fondness for super heros with his friend at daycare named Owen. Him and Owen are always pretending to be super heros together. Just today they were playing Batman. Gage was the Joker and Owen was Batman.

Dylann is 19 months old now and growing up very fast. She talks in nearly full sentences now and loves to sing Jingle bells and the Mommy Daddy song. This song basically goes "Mommy, Daddy, Mommy, Daddy, Gagey, Mommy" She is a very strong willed little girl and she knows exactly how to get what she wants. She loves to play with her babies and pushes them around in her stroller all of the time. She also likes to pretend to feed them and have little "tea parties" with them. She is very good at counting and has even been known to count all the way up to 15. I am completely shocked by this because I can't tell you how she learned this. She loves to do anything that Gage is doing and he loves to have her to play with.

Here is a video of the kiddos dancing to a little 80's tune

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